Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yesterday was my son's fifth birthday. It was such a great day, well actually a weekend. We decided to forgo the usual birthday party and have a special day just for him in Victoria. It was a day where he decided what we did and where we went for lunch. So he picked the Victoria Bug Zoo, a balloon and ReBar for lunch my favorite place to eat, the Curious George sandwich is his favorite.

We had a great day of yummy food, Elvis look a likes (that's my husband, my daughter pointed up at the Elvis picture and said "da da" we got a good laugh out of that one) huge bugs and a blue balloon that may still be on the Munroe's ceiling.

Sunday was spent with Grandma, more balloons and lots of fun. And yesterday, his actual birthday we had a pancake breakfast, presents another fun day with Grandma (I did a breastfeeding home visit), birthday soup, the boy's favorite supper and cupcakes, with candles of course.

Although it is a time and day to celebrate my son's birth, it also feels like a time to reflect on my own birth, my birth as a mother. It was five years ago that I was born into this new life, this new identity that would change me forever. His birth began a shift in my consciousness in a way that I never expected. We often forget to acknowledge and celebrate this birth, the one each of us experience when we become parents. I always say, when a child is born so is a mother and father. I didn't make myself a cake or buy myself presents, but I did take some time to reflect on what it has been like being a mum for the past five years and how I am so happy that he chose me.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

beautiful babies

Yesterday we had a reunion with the mums and dads from my September Birthing From Within class. It was so amazing to see these little ones that were all present during the class, they just hadn't been born yet. We had such a great time seeing each other again, sharing birth stories, talking about what it is like to be parents now and all of the changes that brings. It's always amazing to me what courage it takes to birth a baby, in whatever way that birth happens and the willingness to be open to each new day and all the challenges it brings with being a parent. One of the mums wasn't able to attend and she was deeply missed (we are all sending you are love). These were all such beautiful babies and such beautiful mums and dads. I love my work!

If you're wondering where the dads are in this picture, they opted to stay out and have it be a picture with me and the mums and babies.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

a life of choice

I've been a stay at home mum for almost 5 years now. It is a career that has brought many surprises, many joys, and many many long sleepless hours and challenges. Up until last weekend, I have been deep in my suffering mind. I have been feeling like "I been wronged" (insert southern accent here). I have felt like everything has been done to me, the dishes, laundry, dinner, somehow I've been living this victim role as a mum.

Then last weekend, my husband said "why can't you just be happy?" I didn't take this so well. Being a mum, stay at home or not, is a full time job that never ends. Most people don't live at their workplace, but us mums do. Sometimes it can feel like you are on a hamster wheel of dishes, dinner, laundry, groceries, crying kids and so on, you run all the time and get no where. You do the dishes and make dinner only for it to be a mess a few hours later, there is little satisfaction in that for me. Until now.

As much as I resented him saying that at the time, I thought about it, why can't I just be happy? I have two great kids, a great house, a fantastic husband and a career outside of our home that I am not only passionate about, I love my work. What was holding me back from seeing all this?

It's choice. I realized that I've been making the choice to suffer in my mind. When the reality is my life is not so bad. I create my own days, I pick what we get to do most of the time, I can sit at the table and work on my crafts as my daughter builds towers with her crayons, I can pick up my son from school and make terrariums after rest time, I get to be a part of my kids lives in a really special way, it's a gift.

So, I've decided to choose to be happy in my work as a mum. It's not easy and I still wish my husband would do the dishes more consistently, but I'm lucky. This week, I've taken the time to be with my kids, to choose happiness, and the result? My kids have been happier too.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

I have been away from my blog for a while for a few reasons. The first being my husband went up north to Old Crow (in the farthest reaches of the Yukon Territory) and he took the camera and cable with him so I couldn't add any pics. The other reason is that I unplugged from my computer for a while to be with my family. Well, now that it's January 7th, I want to wish everyone a very happy new year, from my family to yours. I have this great feeling that this year is going to be full of possibility and I am so excited about it. My first year here on the island was pretty great and launching my business was so fun. I was able to offer two film screenings, attend births and teach some wonderful classes to some amazing couples. I am so excited to see Beautiful Birth continue to grow and to continue to offer doula care, prenatal classes and mothering circles. It's going to be a great year.

I think one of the things that has me in such good spirits is we had a GREAT Christmas. Because of the snow, it was just my husband, myself and the two kids. There was no pressure, no stress, no tears, a Christmas walk in the snow as we watched the tundra swans overhead and enjoyed a lovely turkey dinner. We were all so happy. There were hand made gifts and the best present of all? Our daughter got up and walked for the first time on Christmas day. She is 17 months old and has been taking her time. She's been crawling for a long time and then walking on her knees. But for whatever reason, on Christmas day, she stood up and walked and then never stopped. It was magic. Grandma bought her this beautiful pram that she is loving for her "baby." She just needs to figure out how to steer it and not keep running into walls.

I am excited for this new year and wish all of you and your families the very best.