Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You got time to lean...

I came home Sunday night from a really amazing weekend of teaching. This group was open, brave, full of laughter and even taught me a thing or two. It was one of those really special groups that you wish you could have every time.

Then on Monday morning I woke up sick, really sick. I haven't been that sick since I was pregnant with my daughter 3 years ago. I spent the day either clinging to the couch or the toilet, not good times. As I crawled upstairs to bed at dinner time I started thinking about all I have been trying to keep together over the past few weeks. It's not uncommon for me to get sick, just as it is all over, as though my body has given me permission to fall apart.

It's a reminder that I really need to let myself slow down on a regular basis so that I don't fall apart all at once. I was speaking with a very wise woman yesterday who suggested that I start taking some time during the day to sit outside and drink a cup of tea. Sounds simple doesn't it? I came up with lots of excuses why I couldn't. Then she reminded me why I needed to do it. I realized that for many years now I have been living into that old saying "You got time to lean? You got time to clean" It's not that I don't ever have a minute to myself, it's that I don't use that minute for myself.

So today instead of cleaning the kitchen, I took my beat up body back to bed to read a book while my daughter watched a show (horror of horrors!). Well, actually she loved it and so did I. So if you have a minute today, I recommend that you don't use that time to clean, use it for yourself. If you don't you might end up like me. Your body so tired of running that it gets sick so badly that you have no other choice to stop.

You are worth the gift of a cup of tea. Go put the kettle on....


Melodie said...

I love that saying "got time to lean got time to clean." I should use that. But I also like the part about taking time away from that for yourself. I wouldn't be surprised if I got sick soon after all this cleaning and packing. It's been horrendously stressful this past week. Actually, I have a sore throat today and everything so maybe it is happening. Maybe I'll finally be getting that rest I keep dreaming about.
I love your posts Catherine!

The Ruby Slipper Project said...

Moving is the worst! I swore to Stefan when we moved into this house he would have to bury me in the backyard because I wasn't going to do it again. Moving with a 2 1/2 month old didn't help. You deserve some time to yourself Melodie for sure! Super mom extraordinaire!