In the U.S. women have an option that we don't have here in B.C, the Birth Centre. This is a wonderful option for women who would like a home birth type setting without being in their home. All of the women in the care of this midwife have their exams and meetings at the centre. The intention behind this is when a woman goes into labour, this is a familiar, safe place to be for them, allowing them to let go and birth with less anxiety. My good friend works in this birth centre in Ventura California, offering classes as well as taking care of the bookkeeping. I had the privilege of taking some photos of this amazing space, one of them with my friend standing next to the bed where she gave birth to both of her children. The midwife who runs this centre also offers well-woman care here, right on this bed. No stirrups in sight! Sunrise Birth Centre
please click the icon to return to the Beautiful Birth website
about the tree
During the birth of my first child, I held an image of a strong oak tree with deep roots in my mind. This tree became my birth tree. I still hold that image in my heart as the challenges of parenting and finding balance in my life can sometimes knock me off my rails.
This is a space where I share the daily lessons that my children and my work are teaching me. They are lessons in love and surrender, moments that ask me to dig a little deeper and the gift of just being present in the moment, even when that is breastfeeding in the middle of a sleepless night.
This is also a space where you'll find upcoming events, great pictures and new discoveries. Thank you for visiting.
I am an artist, mother, wife, friend. I am also a dreamer who loves to create and support women in their own process of self-discovery. I love Earl Gray tea with milk and sugar and women who speak their minds.
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